It\'s a problem for lots of people. Some people are just permanently shy, others are only shy in certain situations. Whichever group you fall into, here are some tips for overcoming your shyness. Start building up your self confidence. Work on your self esteem and start building it up rather than knocking it down. Make an effort to meet new friends. Set yourself a goal that doesn\'t scare you too much - maybe one new friend a week to start with. Feel free to laugh when you find something funny. Laughter is a great ice breaker, so long as it\'s genuine. Don\'t run away the second someone starts talking to you! Gently push your limits. We all have comfort zones - places we\'re happy to be in - but these are self imposed. You put up the barriers so you can dismantle them. Honest! One of the easiest ways to change your mindset and stop being quite as shy and retiring is to listen to a hypnosis MP3 for shyness. You can listen any time you want and no-one else need know you\'re doing it. Over a few days, the hypnosis session will begin to help you overcome your shyness. Give it a try today.