To look radiant in this sweltering summer heat, all you need to do is follow a \'model\' code of conduct. Jessica, who made her presence felt at a newly opened spa, filled us in on her secret beauty tips. \"It\'s important to drink loads of water this season. Also, include fruits and greens in your diet for that inner glow,\" she said. So, what about makeup, we asked. \"Go with as little makeup as possible. I, for one, never use foundation during summers. A good kajal can work wonders and add to that a fruity gloss. Splash water on your face as many times a day and thoroughly clean your skin before going to bed,\" the pretty girl chirped. Jessica even added that sunscreen doesn\'t work for her sensitive skin and she uses rosewater instead. \"When it comes to clothing, it\'s best to avoid tight fits. There\'s nothing better than cottons,\" she suggested. Cool tips for summer - Keep yourself hydrated. Drink lots of fresh juice. - Eat healthy. Apart from fruits and vegetables, incorporate yogurt in your diet. Oily food should be avoided. - To pamper yourself, go for a de-stress spa over the weekend.