Want to look younger instantly? Makeup experts have a number of tricks up their sleeve to help you look youthful but every season, they come up with updates to this list. Some of the hottest beauty tips for the summer are all about using the right lip colours and enhancing the eyes. Since the most striking features on your face are your eyes and mouth, these need to be addressed first. According to many beauty experts, dark lip colours are a complete no-no if you want to look younger. It is best to go for soft pinks and icy mauves to give your face a youthful lift. Also, it is best not to overly gloss the lips; a little gloss on the centre of the mouth is enough to look good. The eyes need the most help of all. Concealer should be your best friend and new research shows that the liquid ones are the best. Use in an upward motion, cover all blemishes like crow\'s feet or pigmentation around the eyes. There is nothing as ageing as tired looking eyes. The next big step to look youthful is to use eyeliner. International makeup expert Matthew Tyler, who is based in Dubai and visited India recently, says that the one big mistake women make is lining only the bottom rim of the eye. \"It is important to use eyeliner along the top of the eyes too, and the line should be thicker than what was used on the lower lids.\" Another suggestion by makeup pros is to angle your liner brush and make a soft line going upwards towards the outer corners of the eye to give an illusion of a lift. Bright eye shadow with shimmer should be avoided. It is best to keep the eyeshadow colours light and fresh to make your eyes look younger. As for the rest of your face, skip the face powder, add some cream blush. You can easily knock off a decade just by knowing what to do and using the right strokes of your make up wand.