It happens like clockwork -- this time of year, I get dry skin. And I\'m not talking a little scratchy and rough. My skin becomes as parched as a desert. Sound familiar? Well, I\'ve tried every lotion and potion out there and I\'ve found it\'s not just about what you use, it\'s about how you use it. So here\'s my personal (tried and true) Rebekah Marie George smooth-skin strategy: Step 1: Banish long, hot showers. It\'s sad, but true. Long showers (anything longer than three minutes) dry out your skin (and are environmentally unfriendly too). Hot water is like rubbing salt into a wound. So keep them short and cool. Step 2: Close the bathroom door and keep it shut post-shower. Why? Any and all steam will help keep your skin moist before you apply lotion. It\'s a super easy tip that really works. Step 3: Speaking of lotion, apply it as soon as you get out of the shower while your skin is still a little damp. That\'s right, don\'t rub yourself dry with a towel, just lightly pat yourself down and slather on a lotion like Olay Quench Ultra Moisture Body Lotion, $4.99 to help lock and seal in any and every bit of moisture that\'s on your skin. Step 4: Eat almonds. I kid you not. I\'ve experimented and, thanks to their Omega 3 fats, eating just a few during the day helps my skin stay smoother. Not a fan of almonds? Try getting your Omega 3 fatty acids by eating fish. Step 5: Reapply lotion in the p.m. Applying lotion once a day doesn\'t keep my skin from feeling dry, so I also have a nighttime lotion routine where I layer them on. I start with a serum type lotion or oil like Bio-Oil PurCellin Oil, $14.99. Then, I slather on a heavier moisturizing cream like Crabtree & Evelyn Goatmilk Comforting Body Cream, $30. Here\'s why: The layering really helps lock in the moisture and your skin is better able to \"accept\" products at night when your cells are busy regenerating. That\'s why they call it beauty sleep (well, that\'s what I think anyway).