As summer season hits full swing personal trainer Rami Berjawi told The Daily Star six easy workouts to do from home to get the toned body you want before putting on a bathing suit and hitting the beach. Berjawi recommends working out three times a week or more for an hour each session to see results before the summer is over. He emphasizes proper form over repetitions to get the best results and avoid hurting yourself. After that, Berjawi says people should have realistic goals to match their workout. Six-pack abs don’t come overnight, but a tighter stomach is something that anyone can get with some effort. New exercisers can expect to lose around a half kilo of fat per week, but only if paired with a healthy diet “Exercise without paying attention to food is not very efficient. And the other way around: If you are dieting without doing sports it’s kind of useless as well,” he said. THE PLANK Body position: Hold your body up with your forearms on the ground, back straight, elbows shoulder width apart. Your body should form a straight line from head to ankles and feet together. Routine: Hold your body in a plank for 20 seconds each repetition and do three sets, add 10 seconds each set. Muscles worked: Abs and core muscles. Difficulty: Easy. SQUATS Body position: With your feet slightly wider than shoulders, feet pointed slightly out and hands across your chest, remember to keep your back straight and chest out. Routine: Squat down until your knees are at a 90 degree ankle and then back up, 3 sets of 12 repetitions. Muscles worked: Legs, lower body. Difficulty: Easy. DIPS Body position: Hold yourself up with your arms shoulder width apart on two chairs with your legs out in front of you. Routine: Dip yourself down until your arms are almost parallel to the floor. Do three sets of 10 repetitions. Muscles worked: Triceps. Difficulty: Moderate. Make it harder: Put your feet on another chair. Make it easier: Bend your knees. ARM AND LEG PUSH-UPS Body position: Push-up position, back straight, arms shoulder width apart. Routine: Alternate bringing your knees toward your head and continuously repeat the movement. Three sets of eight to 12 repetitions. Muscles worked: Abs and core muscles. Difficulty: Intermediate. INVERTED PUSH-UP Body position: With your feet on a chair get in push-up position with your weight shifted forward. Routine: Do push-ups from this position. Twelve repetitions maximum to avoid getting dizzy. Muscles worked: Back and shoulder muscles. Difficulty: Advanced. Make it harder: Put your feet high up on a wall. Make it easier: Bend your knees. LUNGES Body position: Standing up. Routine: Lunge forward with one leg, bringing your knee almost to the ground, but making sure your other knee doesn’t pass your foot. Do three sets of 10 repetitions. One repetition is lunging with each leg. Muscles Worked: Quads and butt muscles. Difficulty: Easy Berjawi works at Fitness Zone in Hamra and can be reached at 70-961-678.