During the summers, the body often suffers from rashes and acne. Read on to know how you can treat these problems... Shower regularly Remember to take a shower at least three times a day. This will prevent bacteria from entering the pores and causing acne break-outs. During the summers, you are more prone to sweating and this attracts dust, and dirt along with bacteria that fills the pores and leads to body acne. Therefore, ensure that you keep your skin clean and hydrated. Exfoliation A major reason for rashes and body acne is the accumulation of dead skin cells. Thus, it is very important to exfoliate your skin at least twice in a week. If you have an oily skin, remember to exfoliate at least three to four times a week. The build up of oil, dirt and grime along with dead skin will make your skin rough and dull and will lead to eruptions. Wear loose clothes Wearing loose clothes during summers will prevent the sweat from evaporating, as a result of good air circulation. It will also prevent bacterial action due to sweat getting accumulated on the surface of your skin and blocking the pores - which can cause body acne. Wearing loose clothes will also make you feel comfortable during the hot months and you can move around freely. Use talcum powder and deodorants Remember to use talcum powder and deodorants during the summers. The use of talcum powders will keep you feeling fresh the entire day and will make you sweat less, without causing body odours and rashes.