It is a herculean task for women to maintain their skin in the torrid summer months. Dr. Katyal, Consultant Dermatologist & Cosmetologist at The Skin Centre, shares with us six tips for effectively cleansing skin and keeping it nourished. - During summer, heat and humidity can cause oil glands to work overtime. Cleanse your face and neck every morning and evening before you go to bed. Use a gentle, pH-balanced facial cleanser as per your skin type and skin concerns twice daily followed by an appropriate toner. - Don\'t get into the habit of cleansing too often because cleansing too often can break down the skin\'s protective barrier, causing excessive dryness and irritation, and may also cause breakouts. - Remember that oil production is the body\'s way of protecting the skin, so never use anything harsh and never over dry the skin. - People with oily to normal skins may use a gentle cleansing wash that makes their skin feel fresh. - People with excessively dry or mature skins may use a cleansing milk, oil or balm that provides a deep clean without over-cleansing. - A good make up remover should be definitely used to remove make up properly.