1.Hold that tongue. As tempting as it is to tell him what you think of him during a squabble DON’T. You know deep down inside you love him, so why try and tear him apart with words you will never be able to take back?...Only to regret it later. Belittling your man is not on. 2.Don’t try to change him. You knew who he was when you met him (unless you met him with the intention of changing him) so why try and change him now? If you not happy with who he is, maybe he is not exactly the one. Appreciate him. 3.Don’t discourage him.  Remember we are not all perfect (men and women), so reminding him of his weaknesses every five minutes, is not going to change much, but being a supportive partner is sexy. Most men know where they lack and if you are going to yap yap negative stuff to him or others, it will just drive him away. 4.You are his main fan. You do not have to lie, but every now and then men need to hear how much you appreciate the little things they do(small or tiny, it is the thought that counts). And don’t forget to tell him how much you love him. Under all that mucho manliness, they love hearing those words.