Ambassador of the Netherlands to Russia, Renee Jones-Bos.

Ambassador of the Netherlands to Russia, Renee Jones-Bos was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry on Tuesday over the continuing anti-Russian campaign in her country, which manifests itself in the fanning of spy fever, the ministry said in a report.

"On September 18, the Foreign Ministry summoned the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Ms. Jones-Bos, in connection with the continued campaign of fanning the spy fever," it said.

The Foreign Ministry called the attention of the Dutch side to the inadmissibility of mass media instigations, including the ones that have a bearing on the acute problems of international politics and can intensify damage to already dwindling bilateral relations, the report said.

The Dutch newspaper NRC claimed earlier two officers of Russian secret services, who had planned to steal data from a chemical laboratory in Spitz, Switzerland, had been arrested in The Hague this spring.

The arrests ostensibly became possible thanks to cooperation among the secret services of European countries, including the Dutch Military Intelligence and Security Service.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in this connection the Dutch authorities had not handed the data on whatever arrested Russian agents to Moscow.