Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.

Russia hopes closer cooperation could be established with the United States in order to prevent possible uses of weapons of mass destruction by terrorists, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Wednesday.

"The time of handshaking has gone. On Idlib, on Syria in general, on weapons of mass destruction. It’s high time we work together," she told the Bolshaya Igra (Big Game) on Russia’s TV Channel One. "[Russian Foreign Minister] Sergey Lavrov spoke about it [at a UN Security Council meeting on non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction on September 26], pointing to the fact that terrorist organizations and extremist elements are in possession of nuclear technologies."

"This is the area where we would like to cooperate with the Americans much closer. And not only with them, but with other members of the international community as well," Zakharova said, adding that Russia has repeatedly come out with non-proliferation initiatives. "Regrettably, it has not been supported," she noted.

In her words, Russia would like to see the United States demonstrate the same approach.