Now that you've planned and made up your mind to get pregnant, you wish it happens as soon as possible! However, don't get impatient if it takes time. There are a couple of things you should do and some things that you should avoid to increase your chances. Once you've made up your mind about having a baby, visit a gynaecologist to get a check-up done. There's a lot you need to learn and know about pregnancy and getting your doubts cleared by an expert is a good idea. Ask your doctor about prenatal vitamins that contain folic acid, which will decrease your risk of having a baby with neural tube defects. If you have any medical problems, they need to be brought under control before you become pregnant. Familiarise yourself with your cycle. Each woman is different. Remember that ovulation is the best time to get pregnant and symptoms of ovulation include changes in the cervical mucus such as a thin watery, mucus-like discharge. There are several ovulation prediction kits available in the market that can tell you the best time to get pregnant. While some people claim certain positions are best for getting pregnant, there is no real evidence that agrees with this. While the missionary position is favoured by many, sitting or standing makes it difficult for the sperm to travel upstream. Stay in bed for 15 to 20 minutes after having sex and avoid going to the bathroom, too. Just because you're in a hurry to get pregnant doesn't mean you should have sex all the time. Sometimes this could result in your man's sperm count getting depleted due to constant ejaculation. Give it a break sometimes. Ensure your man avoids wearing tight-fitting clothes and spends little time in the jacuzzi. Stress is one of the biggest problems that will stop you from getting pregnant. Besides wrecking havoc on ovulation, it can also cause sexual dysfunction and performance anxiety in men. Indulge in something that relaxes you. Meditation, breathing exercises, soothing music can all help you lower stress levels. Make sure you get moderate exercise. Too much will cause problems during ovulation. Experts recommend walking for 30 minutes thrice a week. Also watch what you eat. If you're overweight, you preferably need to lose some pounds before you attempt to have a baby.