'The Toxic Divorce' explains navigate divorce
“The Toxic Divorce

This new blog series entitled “The Toxic Divorce” published by Brian Burke of Navigate Divorce, addresses the crucial issues on divorce, and outlines what is reasonable to expect for more than 95% of the divorcing population. The remaining 5% of separations are defined as potentially toxic and follow a dramatically different path.
“Toxic divorces are toxic for the people involved, but also for the rest of us who hear of them through the media and by way of back-fence gossip,” says Burke. “These are the cases we think of when we think about divorce; they are the ones that are interesting. While interesting, they are atypical. When someone from the >95% of the Normal population is trying to make sense of her situation or if he is trying to decide what to do next, the advice they get and their perception of their own case is warped by a lifetime of hearing about cases that are,” says Burke, “pathological.”
The blog provides preparation for a series of White Papers which distill the impressions and wisdom from Burke’s 35 years and counting as a divorce lawyer.
“It’s critically important for Normal divorcing couples to learn that they shouldn’t try to understand what’s happening in their case by making comparisons to Toxic cases,” says Burke.
“Helping people understand the nature of their own case and how to make the best of the experience is crucial. Having a steady perspective makes for a better client, and a better client is going to manage the legal challenges, well, better.”
If someone is undergoing a divorce and feels that:
-They have lost control of their case
-Their values are being disregarded
-Conflict has increased, along with loss
Then Brian Burke’s blog will prove to be a must-read.
For those who want to know the analysis and reasoning behind the concepts of “The Toxic Divorce”, there is an opportunity to get early notification of the topic’s White Paper publication at https://2B280E.campgn2.com/Toxic-Divorce-White-Paper-Preview. Burke invites interested readers to sign up to receive additional information.