We live in a city of around six million, yet most people struggle to find their perfect match. Many try internet dating, going to bars, blind dates and cheesy chat-up lines, when every day they probably meet or see someone they like the look of and wish they had the nerve to speak to. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman; if you see someone you like, it really is as straightforward as going over and saying “hi”. The London School of Attraction helps its clients develop the confidence to make the first move and the skills to keep the conversation going. The London School of Attraction The London School of Attraction has been helping men and women develop confidence with the opposite sex since 2010. The School’s founders are both professional teachers, with hundreds of hours coaching experience working with both men and women. Over the past few years they’ve helped scientists, diplomats, bankers, city workers, teachers and doctors get the love life of their dreams. “The London School of Attraction’s approach is about being honest and upfront. We believe in keeping things simple: if you like someone, just tell them, whether it’s on the tube, in a bar or in a coffee shop. It’s not about waiting around for the perfect guy, or hoping to get lucky with a girl on night out. It’s about taking control of your love life by going and talking to people you’re interested in.” Comments Alex Chubb, co-founder of The London School of Attraction. “Although the idea of the ‘perfect’ thing to say is a myth, there’s definitely a right way to approach someone: it’s all about making them feel comfortable, putting them at ease and knowing how to give a good compliment. “Although our coaching is focussed on attracting the opposite sex, the conversation skills we teach are applicable to all sorts of interactions. Over the past year we’ve run corporate sessions with sales teams to help them build rapport and networking skills in social situations.” Says Doug Haines, co-founder of The London School of Attraction. The London School of Attraction was founded in 2010 to cater for professional men and women who were time-poor and didn’t want to settle for second best in their love lives. The founders, both professional teachers and experienced coachers, also contribute to The London School of Attraction blog, which attracts over half a million hits a year. The company teaches men and women one-on-one and over e-mail. Typical clients are busy professionals between 25-50 and have included scientists, diplomats, bankers, city workers, teachers and doctors.