Women’s Global Marches

If a picture is worth a thousand words then the signage on display at the Women’s Global Marches spoke volumes on Saturday as people of every description gathered in cities around the globe.




From the prophetic and sublime, to the ridiculous; January 21, 2017 was a day for making a point at the Women’s Global Marches that took place all over the world.


The viewpoints, displayed on homemade signs, were as varied as the people who hoisted them with such enthusiasm. Women and men, seniors and children took part in the marches organized to counter the perceived misogynistic, often racist and insular perspectives expressed by newly inaugurated President Donald Trump.



Unlike several of the anti-inaugural protests which took place on Friday, these events were happy, peaceful affairs.   Even still, the more serious messages came in loud and clear.



These and other messages were carried across the globe as hundreds of thousands of people gathered in places like France, Australia and yes, Morocco

There were signs carried by children as well, generations who will inherit a future being nurtured in the here and now. Serving Trump notice, perhaps these were the most poignant signs of all.

Source :Morocco World News