Ismat Tahseem lists 17 gemstones that are believed to impact your mood swings, health and relationship status Amber: This rough stone needs to be well cut. It's known as the 'Happy Rock' and a favourite amongst gemstone cirles. It can alleviate gloom. Amethyst: Want to calm the mind? Wear the amethyst. It's said to bring calming abilities to the wearer and can rid one of nightmares too. Stressed out folks are known to wear the stone in their finger ring. Blue Topaz: The light blue stone not just looks pretty but can be a good tool of communication. Finding it tough to get your feelings across? Wear a topaz today. Emerald: Considered to be a harbinger of good luck and fortune, the emerald also helps cure fears and quietens the mind. Green Calcite: This gemstone can ease the mind of doubts and fears and allows for a new look at life. The wearer may find his mind fresh to pen his thoughts and ideas. Yellow Citrine: This is also a mental healer and can help to strengthen one's determination. It aids in deciphering the path when confusion arises. Clear Quarz: A seeker's stone, this one is very good for a journey inwards, into the soul. It is used when meditating. This gemstone can harness and help focus energy towards a specific goal. When combined with stones, can enhance their own energy. Garnet: This red stone teaches patience by helping people learn more about themselves and their equation with others. Lapis: Must be worn when there are stumbling blocks in the mind, so the wearer finds a clarity and focus. It can help reveal the truth. Malachite: The green and black stone can aid in bringing out feelings that may have been repressed. It alleviates sadness and can bring about creativity and knowledge. Moonstone: This pretty stone in light colours of cream is a calmer. It can create a balance in the mind and help people who are feeling weighed down by their emotions. Onyx: The stone helps to sharpen concentration and release apprehension. In many countries people wear it as a protection from the evil eye. Opal: This white gemstone with rainbow-like streaks is believed to promote prosperity and aid better eyesight. It also helps in a positive energy flow. Rose Quartz: A must for die-hard romantics, the stone teaches one how to love and gives comfort too. It can nurture relationships, promote peace and help overcome grief Ruby: Pink or red, the ruby is a powerful stone. It is associated with passion and sexual drive and can also bring about success in matters of work. It also signifies boldness and power. Tiger's Eye: Literally a stone that look like the eye of a tiger (it's brown with flashes or specks of gold) it can bring about a sense of focus to the wearer and teach him or her forbearance. It also helps to concentrate and develop a stronger will. Topaz: The light bluish green stone allows for a better communication and can bring about a sense of peace. Turquoise: The wearer can hope for hidden desires to come to the fore and it said to also help a person find a way to make plans materialise.