1. If you are worried that your choice of section at a bookstore could adversely affect your image, then a few minutes in the physics or pure sciences section will redeem it. 2. If you\'re bothered by a snooty-looking person in the lift, simply give an I-know-what-you\'re-hiding smile. The snooty look will be replaced by a sheepish one. 3. Try not to have any major surgery on a Sunday. Everyone is always tired and less alert after the weekend. 4. Obnoxious people bothering you at a party? Just rub your nose to imply that they have BO issues. They\'ll get the hint. 5. Low on the popularity charts with your friends? Tell them that they\'ve lost weight and see your ratings zoom. 6. Politeness will always save you from trouble, especially when talking to strangers. They might be undercover hit men for all you know. 7. Worried you\'ll get caught slacking at work? Arm yourself with a pen, paper and a worried expression. No one will ever know the truth. 8. Always book your dentist appointment close to the weekend when everyone is in a good mood - including the doctor. A happy dentist means less pain. 9. Never leave home without a tissue. A freak nose bleed, a coffee spill - you never know when you\'ll need it. 10. Make sure your feet smell good at all times. At least you won\'t be embarrassed when the doc takes your shoes off if you\'re ever in an accident.