Minister of State for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage Marriyum Aurangzeb.

Minister of State for Information, Broadcasting, National History and Literary Heritage Marriyum Aurangzeb on Monday informed the National Assembly that the government was following the policy of zero tolerance against the projection of hate speech and sectarian violence.
Responding to a question during the question hour, she said the ministry was aware of its obligations and carefully monitoring the print and electronic media to check any content related to sectarian hatred and violence.
Marriyum Aurangzeb said the ministry, through monitoring units in different organizations under its administrative control, made sure that all publications, broadcasts and advertisements on national level did not contain or encourage violence, terrorism sectarianism, and religious discrimination and hate speech.
The minister said PEMRA had always taken action if any TV channels aired any programme against the norms of the society.
She said PEMRA took action against the objectionable advertisement on television channels.
Marriyum Aurangzeb said according to terms and conditions of the license, under PEMRA Ordinance 2002 section 20, the person issued a license was bound to ensure that all programmes and advertisements did not encourage violence, terrorism, racial, ethnic or religious discrimination, sectarianism, extremism, militancy, hatred, pornography, obscenity, vulgarity or any other material offensive to commonly accepted standards of decency.
She said different organizations working under the administrative control of information ministry check any activity against the norms of society in the national print and electronic media.
The minister said Press Information Department (PID) keeps close liaison with the newspapers, magazines and print media organizations like CPNE, APNS, PFUJ, RIUJ and Press Clubs to keep them cognizant of government policy against hate speech and sectarian violence.
She said Press Council of Pakistan (PCP) was trying hard to implement Ethical Code of Practice for Print Media in its true spirit.
The minister said PCP monitors the print media in context of hate speech and sectarian violence. The professional bodies of journalists were being reminded time and again to follow PCP’s ethical code and refrain from spreading hate speech and sectarian violence, she said.
PCP had sent letters to the professional bodies of journalists as well as to the editors of the newspapers to ensure the implementation of PCP’s ethical code, she added.
She said the Press Council of Pakistan in its quarterly meetings with professional bodies of journalists i.e APNS, CPNE and PFUJ, emphasizes on the role of print media in creating sectarian harmony in the country.
To a question from Shehryar Afridi, she said if the honourable member mentioned any specific television channel, answer would be given.
To a supplementary question from Perveen Masood Bhatti, she said morning shows target special audience and the viewers had the choice to change the channel.
Marriyum Aurangzeb also appreciated most of the channels for self-regulation and accountability.

Source: APP