Twenty one women employees from the Hospitality Department at Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) have completed the Springboard Women’s Self Development Programme. The participants to the workshop included Senior Hospitality Managers, Patient Visitor Service Staff (PVSC), Patient relations coordinators and front line staff. Through the workshop the women learned on how to be more assertive in their work settings. They were also told on how to find work life balance. The women staff were handed several tips on successful networking among co-workers, apart from harnessing their communication and presentation skills. The Springboard Programme was divided into four sessions during the month long workshop. The women were able to give their feedback about the benefits of the workshop after implementing it at their workplace. Ms. Salam Nassar, Manager of Patient and Visitor Service at Rumailah Hospital, after attending the Springboard Progamme said that it had given her a better perspective about life and work. “I have been able to share my views and learn from others experiences through the workshop,” Ms. Salam added. She further stated that the workshop has taught her to be more sensitive while dealing with patients and visitors and treat their anger and demands in a more professional manner. “The Springboard Programme is not only help full for professional  women, but is also handy for women from all walks of life .It aims at empowering  women through self development and confidence building measures,” said Ms. Enas Malkawi, a Certified Trainer at HMC, who conducted the Program for the staff. Ms. Enas further stated that the developmental program is in line with HMC vision to empower and enlist women in key leadership positions. “We are proud to have Dr. Hanan Al Kuwari, as HMC Managing Director, who has made women staff development a key priority,” Ms. Enas added. The four week developmental workshop program has been pioneered by Ms. Liz Willis and Ms. Jenny Daisley from Springboard Consultancy in United Kingdom. British Council has the exclusive rights to market it in the Middle East. “The Springboard Programme was launched in Qatar in 2008. Addressing the cultural sensitivity of the region we have made the entire Springboard Programme and the educational material into Arabic. We have adopted local success stories and examples so that women from the Arab world can relate to the issues,” said Ms. Ola Eid Communications and Media Projects Manager at British Council Doha. The Hospitality Staff from HMC were given the certificate of attendance by Ms. Enas Malkwai, Certified Trainer at HMC in the presence of British Council officials and other dignitaries.