A woman arrested under terror laws was being questioned Friday as part of a wider investigation into an alleged \"super-secret\" Facebook plot to blow up an Italian synagogue, UK police said here Friday. The 40-year-old suspect was held in a pre-dawn swoop on her south London home yesterday in relation to extremist material posted online. Italian police said she may have been in contact with a 20-year-old Moroccan accused of making a \"detailed plan\" for a terror attack on the Via della Guastalla in Milan. Officers in London said they were liaising with Italian counterparts to establish any links. She is not thought to be directly involved in the alleged attack plot, police sources said. The man arrested in Brescia, northern Italy, was using his \"exceptional\" computer skills to create \"super-secret\" groups on Facebook to plot an atrocity, Italian police claim. He created \"super-secret\" groups on Facebook that could be accessed only through a complicated system of controls that he had put in place, state police said. The woman was held under Section 58 of the Terrorism Act on suspicion of \"possessing a document or record containing information of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism.\" Searches were carried at the woman\'s south London address as she was questioned. Police said: \"A search warrant was executed at a residential premises in connection with the arrest, and a search continues.\" Officers in Italy said the man had been living in the province since the age of six and \"had the job of training people in the use of weapons and explosives for terror operations.