Carolyn Dewaegeneire had her clitoris removed without her consent by Dr. Graeme Reeves. She is outraged with his jail sentence of only 2 years and she intends to fight for justice. In November 2010, Reeves was found guilty of medical fraught, maliciously inflicting grievous bodily harm with intent on Ms. Dewaegeneire, as well as two counts of indecent assault. Ms. Dewaegeneire had her clitoris removed without her consent. However, Reeves stated that he told her just before she went unconscious from anesthetics, as he said “I’m going to take your clitoris too”. One of the nurses witnessing the amount of the tissue that Reeves was removing questioned his actions. However, he reassured her and also stated that it does not matter because the patient’s husband is dead. Reeves eventually justified his actions to state that the skin tissue had pre-signs of cancer so in the end, he was saving her life. Dewaegeneire states that he still had absolutely no right to remove her clitoris. After Reeves was sentenced to 2 years in prison, Dewaegeneire was outraged but stated: “This is not the end of it by a long shot. Women are brought up to be women and not talk about these matters but I intend to tell the blood world what’s happened here”.