An Indiana appellate court ruled murder charges will be upheld against a woman whose fetus died as the result of a suicide attempt. Bei Bei Shuai, 35, requested murder charges be dropped in June, but Judge Sheila Carlisle denied the request, saying, however, Shuai can seek bail. The appellate court Wednesday rejected arguments from Shuai\'s attorneys that she is being improperly prosecuted and that common law gives immunity to pregnant women who commit acts harmful to their fetuses. The Indianapolis Star reported Shuai ingested rat poison on Dec. 23, 2010, leaving a suicide note that said she was \"taking this baby\" with her. When a friend of Shuai\'s learned of the suicide attempt, she rushed her to the hospital. Doctors delivered the 33-week-old fetus, a girl, by cesarean. The fetus died Jan. 3, 2011.