Why are women more into sexting?

Women, we\'re told, are more into sexting than men. Now, why are we not surprised? Here are 10 reasons why the women have beaten the men to it. -Because all women don\'t get the opportunity to get commissioned to author Mills and Boon romances -Women are risk takers... men are wimps... they don\'t like anything that leaves so much evidence... a certain Mr. Woods spoilt the game for them -Women have better vocabularies, and sexting requires communication meant to turn on the recipient... you get the drift, don\'t you? -Women can multitask- what no one told you that? Sex and sexting don\'t need to be mutually exclusive -Women are more likely to get luckier than men, so sexting is worth the effort! -Men are still reading the manuals, while the women live in D-I-Y times! -Men are proud of their equipment (mobile, of course!); women know how to work theirs better! -It takes an Eve to know the pleasures of the forbidden fruit. Adam always comes in late. By which time Eve\'s on to something more tempting -Men are busy being the recipients!