A Texas woman said she gave birth to her first child in the cab of her husband\'s pickup truck when they were unable to make it to the hospital in time. April Bourghs, 30, of Lufkin, said her husband, Joe, decided to take her to the hospital Thursday night when she was experiencing pain and a constant feeling of having to urinate and they decided to go to the Nacogdoches Medical Center, where their chosen baby doctor works, The Daily Sentinel, Nacogdoches, reported Wednesday. However, it soon became clear Bourghs was in labor and the baby would not wait, so they pulled over near Cook Tire Service Center Inc. in Nacogdoches. The baby was born in the cab of the truck while Joe Bourghs was preparing the bed of the pickup as a possible birthing location. Justice Blake Bourghs was born weighing just over 7 pounds, the parents said. They said they continued their drive to the hospital, where the umbilical cord was cut. Melanie Miller, director of women\'s service at the hospital, said Monday the mother and child were kept for a few days because the infant was slightly underweight. She said the hospital expected to release them Monday evening.