Charity associations in Turkey, ranking fourth among the countries which provide international aids, do not leave Muslims in Arakan, a state in Burma, alone during Ramadan (fasting month for Muslims). Muslims who were exposed to assaults from Buddhists in north of Arakan province sustained their struggle for life thanks to the aids of charity groups in camps. Turkish charity groups were also with Arakan Muslims during Ramadan. Coordinator of South Asian Desk of Humanitarian Relief Fund (IHH) Eyup Ural spoke to AA reporter and stated that IHH aided two camps in Mektila region where there were Turkish martyrs\' cemetery and a Turkish mosque. IHH-AYDER Chairman Hidayet Yilmaz said that they opened 5th orphanage in Arakan region, adding they visited the camps in the region before Ramadan and distributed food packages to 8,500 families. An authority of another Turkish charity group, Kimse Yok Mu Association, Yusuf Yildirim reported to have distributed 15,000 food packets and held iftars (fast-breaking meal) for 10,000 people.