Chairman of the Foreign Affairs, Defence and National Security Committee at the Council of Representatives, Sawsan Taqwi condemned the attempts to impose the language of violence through planning to carry out terrorist attacks that aim at sowing sedition, hatred and discord in Bahrain. Taqwi hailed the vigilant security which thwarted a number of plans of discord, terrorism and killing, that transfer experiences of destruction and vandalism through schools of terrorism in some neighbouring countries, which do not want Bahrain to live in tranquility, security, peace, harmony and national unity among its various components. Taqwi stressed that, through the Council of Representatives, she will demand providing the highest degrees of monitoring over the sea ports, especially with the countries that do not want Bahrain to live peacefully. Taqwi asserted the support of Council of Representatives for any additional budgets for the protection of national security and sovereignty of Bahrain and its territorial waters against any aggression or conspiracies of countries that develop plans to tamper with the stability of the kingdom. Taqwi called on everyone to have a responsible national stance to discard violence, vandalism and terrorism, asking all to gather in unified front to confront the evils of the sectarian sedition, and the terrorist plans imported from Iran, Iraq and Syria or others. Taqwi called on the opposition political societies to have national responsibility, and commitment to protect the security and stability of Bahrain through a clear, serious and responsible condemnation of all destructive plans of Bahrain cohesion and integrity of GCC states. Taqwi also pointed out that blood shedding is forbidden in the Islamic religion, and therefore the religious clergymen should bear responsibility to raise awareness on stopping fanatic terrorist thinking, and rationalize the inciting speeches which do not serve achieving national unity. Taqwi approved increasing the penalties for planners who execute terrorist crimes across the border gates, highlighting that she would carry out expanded legal parliamentary discussion in this regard during the next phase to take the appropriate decision concerning this issue.