A Swedish woman has been charged with child abuse for allegedly giving her 3-year-old son beer and cigarettes, police say. Sydsvenskan reported two cellphone videos show the woman, in the company of other adults, urging her son to smoke a cigarette. She allegedly told the child: \"Take a toke then you little … inhale then … come on now. Inhale a little. Light up now, for goodness sake, get the damned thing going.\" The other adults present gave the child a can of beer, and his mother did not stop them, Sydsvenskan reported. \"If this gets on YouTube, I\'ll swear I have no baby,\" she was quoted as saying. The Swedish news agency TT reported the 32-year-old woman told police there was no beer in the can, just water. She also said that she gave him a cigarette so he would develop a distaste for tobacco. The woman has been charged with child abuse and violating Swedish alcohol laws.