Within the Assisting Support Programme of the Guidance and Counselling Department at the Centre for Supporting Women, the Supreme Council for Women concluded its eighth training course entitled “Dealing with Adolescence Crises – Diagnosis and Treatment” within a series of training courses along the year, with a training course per month. The course, which is lectured by the expert of Family and psychological Guidance, Dr. Banah Bu-Boon, aims at achieving the professional development of staff in the area of direct dealing with beneficiaries to accomplish the aims of the national plan to elevate Bahraini Women. The course also aims at briefing participants on the phase of adolescence, discovering the problems facing the teenager, learning the arts of dealing with the adolescence, guiding the adolescent and directing them with the modern educational methods, as well as the skills of building and developing the adolescent character. The most important themes addressed during the course are: knowing about the development stages from childhood till the adolescence in regard of psychological, social, mental, sexual, and emotional developments, as well as knowing about the adolescence problems, methods of diagnosis and treatment, guiding the adolescents, and the plan for modifying the behaviour. A number of the staff of the General Secretariat, particularly Women’s Supporting Centre, social workers from all governorates, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments, Ministry of Social Development, in addition to Ministry of Education participated in the course. Meanwhile, these training courses are considered one of the mechanisms of implementing the national plan to elevate Bahraini Women (2013 – 2022), which is based on developing the skills of the staff working in the field of family and reinforcing it to achieve family cohesion, and family stability, which is considered one of the five aims the Supreme Council for Women seeks to achieve. It is worth mentioning that the Guidance and Counselling Department at the Women’s Support Centre of the Supreme Council for Women is concerned with providing guidance and counselling services for the requests received by the Council asking for marital reform, and family, social, psychological and legal guidance. This is considered an assisting process for individuals to discover and develop their educational and professional, educational and psychological capabilities to achieve the optimum standard of personal happiness and social benefit, where they learn how to take decisions, and be provided with the legal opinion in regard of their problems.