Bahrain will tomorrow (December1) celebrate the annual Woman’s day under the theme: “Woman and Sport: Management..Achievement and Aspirations”. The Shura Council seized the occasion to paid tribute to all Bahraini women for their contribution to the Kingdom’s development and progress. It issued a statement marking the Bahrain Woman’s Day, which falls on December 1, describing the annual event as an occasion to celebrate woman’s landmark contribution to the national development in all fields and recognize her continuous efforts to spearhead her country’s progress and progress. The council hailed this year’s slogan - “Woman and Sport: Management..Achievement and Aspirations” – as highlighting a key aspect of women’s role in the sport movement, praising their record of achievements to-date “It is a memorable day to celebrate women’s sport achievements, pioneering role and participation in local and international arenas despite the challenges”, the statement said. The Shura Council paid tribute to Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al-Khalifa, wife of His Majesty the King and President of the Supreme Council for Women (SCW) for her efforts to empower women in all fields, preserve their gains, bolster their role and strengthen their competence through the national strategy for women empowerment. The Shura Council pledged to spare ne efforts to protect women’s gains, and ensure more achievements through legislating further laws to preserve her rights and ensure family and social stability. The panel expressed the hope that the legislative authority would finalise the 2nd part of the Family Code, vowing to ensure the 2013-2014 state budget would include provisions favouring women’s empowerment and progress. A tribute was also paid to the Shura Council Woman and Child Affairs Committee for its role to scrutinize laws relating to women’s empowerment in all fields.