HH Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, Chairperson of the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development (QF) this morning took part in the high-level interactive discussion on "Innovative mechanisms and partnerships for international development cooperation in education," held on the sidelines of the World Summit on Innovation In Education (WISE) at Qatar National Convention Center. The panel discussed the financial needs for the attainment of the internationally agreed development goals by using new and innovative mechanisms to finance Education. The panelists were also Carol Bellamy, Chair of the Board of Directors, Global Partnership for Education, former Executive Director, UNICEF, Senator Cristovam Buarque, Member of the Brazilian Federal Senate; former Minister of Education, Brazil and Reeta Roy, President and CEO, Mastercard Foundation. Speaking at the panel discussion, HH Sheikha Moza underlined the direct and close relationship between education and the business sectors, noting that the time has come to implement innovative financing solutions in the education sector particularly with respect to new and innovative educational projects which respond to our growing and changing needs. HH Sheikha Moza concluded her intervention with the announcement of the creation of an award, starting from next year to honor participants at WISE panel discussions and initiate them to translate ideas into reality. Next year''s award will be on " Projects on Innovative Financing for Education." For his part, Reeta Roy, President and CEO, Mastercard Foundation suggested the creation of special education fund (SEF) that would facilitate integration of children, specially those living in conflict zones, noting that investment in knowledge always pays the best interest. While UNICEF, Senator Cristovam Buarque calls for the creation of the Doha Plan similar to Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe after World War II.