Ten leading Saudi women, including a number of lawyers, are participating in a French program aimed at boosting knowledge, skills and relations and will be in Paris on Saturday.Lawyer Majed Garoub, executive supervisor of the program, told Arab News on Friday that the schedule has been designed in such a way that it helps further boost the knowledge of Saudi female lawyers in various fields including law, judiciary, commerce, health, business, education, social affairs and others.He said the program is being supported by the supervisor of the women safety program Princess Adelah bint Abdullah.“This is the third time that such visits to France have been organized for leading Saudi women in various sectors under the program,” he added.Garoub said the Saudi team would visit the French Parliament, the Justice Ministry, the Louvre, the UNESCO, the chamber of commerce, the Sorbonne, hospitals, courts and other institutions.The Saudi women lawyers will also visit a municipality outside Paris which is chaired by a woman to have a first-hand assessment of the organization of the municipal council. This visit takes added significance especially that Saudi women will be allowed to vote in the next municipal elections,” he said.Garoub said the Saudi women lawyers will exchange expertise with their French counterparts and will also visit the syndicate of the French lawyers.“The program will also provide the French side with an opportunity to know in depth about the role of Saudi women in society and their various activities in all fields,” he added.He said the Saudi women are to be hosted by the French government.Meanwhile, the Ministry of Justice was currently making a study to enable the Saudi women lawyers to practice under certain conditions.“The study is in its final stages and will be forwarded to the Shoura Council for discussion prior to its recommendation to concerned authorities,” judge Yousuf Al-Farraj, adviser to the minister of justice said recently.