The Medical team in Salmaniya Medical Complex had succeeded in saving the life of a 25 years old patient who had massive postpartum hemorrhage following vaginal delivery in private hospital. This lady had previous cesarean section for twin pregnancy and Gestational Diabetes. Following vaginal delivery of a 4 kg baby, she had severe hemorrhage as the uterus was not contracting in addition to deep multiple vaginal lacerations. Dr Wafa Omran Ajoor, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Oncologist who was on call that night described the efforts which was done in Salmaniya Medical Complex after receiving the patient from the private hospital; She was severely ill and in shock status as her Blood pressure was not recordable with very feeble pulse. The patient had profuse bleeding for more than 8 hours, low heamoglobin (3 grams) and convulsing. She was immediately intubated by Dr Omesh, Senior Anesthetist on call, and blood transfusion was started and she received a total of 17 units of blood in addition to fresh frozen plasma and platelets. All this happened in matters of minutes with the aids of the Labour room nurses and obstetricians on call: Dr Mona Marhoon, Dr Hana Alghanem, DR Shadi Khashaba and Dr Ayat Nasseb, who were trying to resuscitate the patient and trying to stop the bleeding by medications, inserting a uterine balloon and packing. The ICU team was also called to help in assessing and managing the patient. Dr Sana Alkhawaja the ICU team leader who was on call evaluated the patient and advised to shift the patient to the ICU to stabilize her condition. She was managed in ICU by Dr Sana Alkhawaja, Dr Seema Saeed (ICU resident) and IUC staff nurses. Dr Ajoor continued that the patient did not respond to all medical measures and she continued to bleed with the presence of the Balloon and the vaginal pack, so the decision was to proceed with hysterectomy as a life saving procedure. The surgery was performed by Dr Wafa Ajoor with the help of Dr Mona and Dr Shadi and the Anasthetists Dr Zaina and Dr Ahmed Abdul Badeea. The team was able to control the bleeding. She stayed in the ICU for 11 days with till her conditions improved and transferred to the ward. The patient\'s family appreciates the excellent efforts and the fast work of the whole medical and nursing team in the Labour room, ICU and the main theatre. They give special thanks to Dr Wafa Ajoor to save the life of their daughter.