Minister of State for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage Marriyum Aurangzeb.

Minister of State for Information, Broadcasting, National History & Literary Heritage Ms Marriyum Aurangzeb said the unprecedented sacrifices of Pakistan and its people against war on terror could not be decimated as the nation had lost thousands of lives and lit the lights of sacrifices with the blood of its children.
Talking to private news channels, she said in view of the obtaining situation there was need for unity and single voice.
The minister said the drastic reduction in the incidents of terrorism in the country was a result of the measures adopted in consonance with the vision of the former Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and the sacrifices offered by the armed forces and the law enforcing agencies.
She pointed out that in 2013, the number of terrorism incidents was around 2600 which had considerably come down  in 2017.
Marriyum said the way the political leadership of Pakistan, armed forces, law enforcing agencies and Police had fought the war against terrorism was unprecedented. She said Pakistan had extended all possible cooperation to the international community in the war against terrorism and also helped any country who requested for it after 9/11.
The minister appreciated the statement by the Chinese government urging the international community to acknowledge the sacrifices made by Pakistan in the war against terrorism.
She said the drastic decrease in the incidents of terrorism in the country was a sequel to an unswerving determination, unity and courage exhibited by the entire nation.
Marriyum responding to speculations on visit of Sharifs to Saudi Arabia said neither any deal had been struck nor any NRO was in the offing.
She said the spokesman of the Sharif family had strongly quashed such speculations. Marriyum said those who were talking about Sharif going in exile were actually afraid of the 2018 elections.
She reiterated that a person who had ended darkness in the country, constructed motorways and infrastructure and given CPEC did not need any deals. Marriyum said the PML(N) neither believed in NROs nor would accept any.
She said Muhammad Nawaz Sharif was President of the PML(N) and would spearhead the election campaign in 2018.
Responding to a question the MOS observed that the party leadership nominated Shahbaz Sharif as its candidate for the prime minister on merit as he had shown his exceptional performance to the nation in all spheres including health, education, infrastructure and energy.
The minister observed that the alliance forged by the political parties against Nawaz Sharif was a ranting testimony to the fact that his political stature was much superior to them.
She said the entire opposition was focused on soiling the reputation of the Sharif family as they did not have anything else to do.
She said they only knew standing on the container and challenged them to indicate any project that they had completed in their province.
The MOS said a terrorist who attacked the parliament and PTV today appeared before the anti-terrorist court and the nation was grateful to Nawaz Sharif that a person like Imran who abused the state institutions and was an absconder had to make an appearance before the court.
She said the former prime minister set a bright example for respect of law and the constitution by presenting himself before the court.
Responding to a question regarding PML (N) reaction on disqualification of Nawaz Sharif she said it was not against the judiciary but the decision that depicted double standards.
She said on one hand the prime minister was disqualified for not taking salary and on the basis of ‘iqama’ and on the other hand Imran Khan who confessed owning an off-shore company and kept on changes his stance, was provided relief.
The minister said when remarks like God father for an elected prime minister and Sicilian Mafia for the government would be uttered it would invoke appropriate reaction.
She said the court accepted the letter from Jemima but did not entertain the one from the Qatari prince.
She said the petitioners had prayed for disqualification of the Prime Minister on the basis of money laundering and looting the national wealth but the court disqualified him on the basis of ‘iqama’. Responding to a question about calling Imran Khan as a terrorist she said that only a terrorist could attack the parliament and PTV.
The minister said the PML (N) would seek the mandate of the people on the basis of its performance whereas the opponents had nothing to present in the court of the masses.
Marriyum remarked that Imran and his government in KPK could not escape accountability by locking the Ehtsab Commission as the people of the province would hold them accountable in the 2018 elections.


Source: APP