Minister of State for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage Marriyum Aurangzeb.

Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s personality is a beacon of light for all Pakistanis and the entire nation pays him glowing tributes on his 141st birth anniversary.
In her message on the occasion, the minister of state for Information, Broadcasting, National History and Literary Heritage Marriyum Aurangzeb said that Pakistan emerged on the map of the world as a consequence of a determined democratic and political struggle under his indomitable leadership.
She said that he delivered the Muslims of the sub-continent from the British imperialism and the dominance of the majority group.
The minister said that Muhammad Ali Jinnah achieved Pakistan through the power of intellect, unity, faith and discipline and his entire life represented an untiring struggle. He gifted an independent state to the Muslims through his lofty aims and contemplation.
She said that the present government was striving to tackle the challenges confronting the country in conformity with the philosophy and thinking bequeathed by the Quaid.
She said that our ancestors and founders of the country envisioned Pakistan as a democratic entity which was ruled constitutionally.
Marriyum said that they wanted a country free of prejudices like racial discrimination and linguistic considerations where people enjoyed individual liberties and where sentiments like mutual respect and tolerance flourished. She said that the PML (N) was trying to translate the vision and dream of Quaid and Iqbal into reality.
The Minister said that the vision of the former prime minister to eliminate terrorism from the country had almost been achieved as due to the strategies adopted in conformity with his vision and the unmatched sacrifices rendered by our armed forces and law enforcing agencies, incidents of terrorism had been drastically reduced.
She said that the prediction of Pakistan becoming bankrupt in 2013 had been proved wrong and Pakistan was being acknowledged as an emerging economic state around the globe. Praise be to God Pakistan was well on its way to peace, progress and prosperity.
She said that the pledge to end the energy crisis had been fulfilled as the country was producing more electricity than the demand for it.
The minister of state said that the people of Pakistan and reigon would greatly benefit from the development of infrastructure, CPEC, construction of motor ways, Lowari Tunnel and the road network built by the present government. She said that appreciable headway was also being made in the health and education sectors under the reforms programmes of the former Prime Minister.
Marriyum said that all the federating units were contributing to the overall development of the country. She said that the simultaneous development of the federation and the federating units was reinforcing national cohesion, solidarity and the concept of a bright Pakistan.
She said that all Pakistanis had to make collective efforts to make Pakistan an impregnable democratic force adding that democracy would flourish in the times to come.
The minister said that in 2018 the country would witness power transition through ballot for the second time. Marriyum said that the best tribute to Quaid-i-Azam was to follow the guiding principles bequeathed by him. She said “Let us all renew our pledge today to make Pakistan an Islamic welfare and democratic state in consonance with the spirit of his vision and through unity.”

Source: APP