Her Majesty Queen Rania on Tuesday paid a visit to a local school and a charity society in the town of Anjara in Ajloun Governorate. During a visit to Aysha Al Baounieh Elementary School for Girls, Her Majesty met with teachers who spoke about the school’s needs, accomplishments and achievements. The Queen toured the school, which previously participated in the King Abdullah II Award for Physical Fitness. Her Majesty also spoke with students and listened to their feedback on the changes they would like to see in their school. During her visit to Anjara, located 80 kilometres to the north of Amman, the Queen also met with the board of directors of Al Amani Charitable Society. The board members briefed Her Majesty on the society’s mandate, the services it provides to the local community and its future plans. Her Majesty toured the society’s facilities, including the computer lab, ironing and sewing rooms as well as the productive kitchen, which prepares several kinds of natural herbs that grow in the area. In addition, the Queen met with a group of beneficiaries of Al Amani society from the local community, who talked about their accomplishments through working with the society. Following the tour, Her Majesty posted a message on Twitter about the visit, saying: “I can still smell the thyme & basil from Anjara in Ajloun! The local women are so impressive, just brimming with strength & will power.” Established in 2006, the society seeks to utilise the governorate’s natural resources by producing healthy home-made food made by local women, promote Ajloun as a tourist area and support local university students in need.