A woman member of parliament (MP), who was allegedly manhandled by Gujarat police ahead of a function to celebrate the state’s Foundation Day on Tuesday, broke down in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday while narrating her woe. Prabha Taviad, Congress MP from Dahod in central Gujarat, was in tears when she showed the bruises on her arms even as Congress lawmaker Girija Vyas raised the issue during the zero hour and demanded ‘justice and security’ for the harassed fellow parliamentarian. Vyas, a senior Congress leader and former chairperson of the National Commission for Women, said Taviad was not allowed to attend the function despite having a valid pass, and was instead assaulted by the police. Members of several non-NDA parties also sided with the Gujarat MP and wanted the matter to be handed over to the Privileges Committee of Parliament. Following the brouhaha, Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj, said that since her party, the Bharatiya Janata Party ruled Gujarat, she would talk to Chief Minister Narendra Modi and ensure that ‘this kind of incident doesn’t happen in the future again.’ On Tuesday, Taviad and four Congress MLAs were detained for what the police said attempting to stage demonstrations minutes before the Gujarat Day celebration function was to begin at Dahod after the arrival of Modi.