National Mother`s Day that falls on Dec 22 is also the day for all mamas of Papua, according to President Joko

National Mother`s Day that falls on Dec 22 is also the day for all mamas of Papua, according to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"As Papua is in Indonesia, Papua`s mamas are Indonesian women," the head of state noted in his address while celebrating National Mother`s Day on the Waisai Torang Cinta Beach, here, Friday.

The 89th Mother`s Day is themed "Empowered Women, Great Indonesia."

"Be the mothers of the nation, hi, Indonesian Women. Happy Mothers` Day," Jokowi noted.

Mother`s Day is special for Indonesia, as it is an important celebration for Indonesian women, the country, and the nation.

"Women in Indonesia should be further empowered since they had participated in the fight for the country`s independence. Hence, I laud the theme of this Mother`s Day," he stated.

The president noted that his Working Cabinet had several women, as there were nine women ministers.

"Hence, in the Working Cabinet, there are nine female ministers. In fact, Indonesia is one of the countries in the world with the largest number of female ministers," he remarked.

The country`s success in the development of women and culture is led by Minister Puan Maharani and the success of its diplomacy is owing to the efforts of Minister Retno L. P. Marsudi.

"In the field of finance, (the country) is led by Sri Mulyani and in maritime affairs and fisheries by Susi Pudjiastuti, a `scary` minister," he remarked.

Minister Siti Nurbaya Bakar has been successful in reducing the number of forest fires in Indonesia, Rini Soemarno in the state enterprises field, Nila F. Moeloek in the field of health, and Khofifah Indar Parawansa in the social affairs area, he pointed out.

"There is women`s empowerment and child protection minister, Mama Yo, or Prof. Yohana Yembise from Papua," he added

Source: ANTARA