A 16-year old Moroccan teenager identified as Aminah Al Fillaly suicide last week after she was forced to marry a man who raped her. The man  was reported to have agreed to marry her to escape prison for rape, according to the interpretation of the penal law in Morocco as reported by the Hespress website. Fawzia Al-Asoly head of Morocco, the Democratic Association of Moroccan Women (ADFM), said that “Aminah Al Fillaly was raped and committed suicide last week in Al Ara’ash the town near Tangier (north) to protest against her marriage to the man who raped her.\" Al-Asoly said the teenager committed suicide by drinking rat poison. She added: “This law stipulated that the rapist can escape prison if he marries his victim.” She pointed out that this article defends the family and customs, but do not take into account the woman\'s right as an individual. Egyptian murdered for illicit affair; woman jumps from balcony A 23-year old Egyptian man identified as MAY was ruthlessly murdered by villagers hailing from Al Nasimiya in Egypt reported the Egyptian website Masrawy. The furious villagers killed the youth for having an illegitimate relationship with an 18 year old married woman identified as AA. She jumped from the balcony to escape from the villagers which further led to serious injuries. It is alleged that MAY spent three days at AA’s residence while her husband was out of town. AA had been married for eight months. Al Mansoura Police station received the information upon the arrival of MAY’s body in the hospital. Further investigations revealed that AA’s brother-in-law had discovered the illicit relationship and had informed the villagers who then broke into AA’s apartment. The mob beat up MAY and then stabbed him while AA jumped off the balcony from the third floor. AA was hospitalised as she suffered multiple fractures. Police arrested the brother-in-law on charges of provoking the villagers. The police referred the case to the public prosecution to take the legal action.