A Scottish businessman was convicted Thursday of killing his ex-girlfriend, who disappeared without a trace almost two years ago. David Gilroy, 49, faces a life sentence for the murder of Suzanne Pilley, 38, when he is sentenced in April, The Scotsman reported. Gilroy showed little emotion when the jury delivered its majority verdict. His wife bowed her head, and Pilley\'s parents and sister cried. \"Although the trial has ended, our ordeal goes on, and we hope that one day we can lay our daughter to rest,\" the Pilley family said in a statement. Pilley was reported missing when she failed to show up at Infrastructure Managers Ltd. in Edinburgh, where she and Gilroy both worked, on May 5, 2010. The next day, Gilroy drove to Lochgilphead on what police said was a needless business trip, and investigators believe he buried Pilley\'s body somewhere in Argyll. The evidence against him included injuries on his hands that police noticed were covered with makeup when he was interviewed for the first time. There was also evidence a cadaver dog reacted in a spot where the body might have been hidden temporarily, security cameras giving information on her movements and Gilroy\'s and damage suggesting Gilroy\'s car had been driven off-road. The IML manager, Simon Peck, said his former colleagues feel \"revulsion\" toward Gilroy. The company has given Pilley\'s tropical fish a home in its lobby. \"To think that he went about his business in the days after he murdered Suzanne, pretending that nothing was amiss, is truly chilling,\" Peck said.