His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa has today extended a helping hand to divorced and widowed mothers, giving directives to include them in the social categories receiving the anti-inflation allowances HM the King instructed the Royal Charity Organisation (RCO) to coordinate with the Social Development Ministry in implementing the scheme which would benefit up to 4500 divorced and widowed mothers in a package costing BD5 million. Social Development Minister Dr. Fatima Mohammed Al-Balooshi paid tribute to HM the King for the Royal lifeline, hailing his keenness on reaching out to these vulnerable social categories ever since he acceded to the throne and launched the pioneering reform project. She hailed the Royal gift as a godsend to divorced and widowed mothers who have long waited for the anti-inflation package to cover them before HM the King stepped in to extend them the lifeline in the Holy month of Ramadan.