Forget handshaking etiquette and the art of curtseying, Kate\'s learning fast how to pick her royal battles and who she can and can\'t trust.Described as \"low-key and casual, she seemed so normal,\" by the awestruck TopShop staffer who recently served Kate at her favourite branch in London\'s Kensington, Kate Middleton\'s ‘people\' would have been thrilled by the continued perception of the 29-year-old Duchess of Cambridge as ‘down to earth\'.And as Kate-spotting at the likes of her local Waitrose supermarket in Wales, and in high street stores such as Whistles and Zara, becomes a favourite pastime in her native UK, Kate\'s carefully cultivated public image - that of one of the ‘new\' royals - has become a huge and important part of her unofficial princess training.