A 59-year-old diabetic Maine woman is recovering after spending four days in a remote Utah desert with a broken leg, officials say. Victoria Grover of Wade, Maine, had set out Tuesday for a day hike from the Boulder Mountain Guest Ranch but decided to spend the night out in the wild when she realized it was getting too dark to make her way back to her car. She found herself in dire straits the next day when she broke her leg jumping down from a 4-foot ledge. She wasn\'t found until Saturday when a helicopter pilot spotted her, the Deseret News reported. \"How she survived is beyond me,\" Garfield County Sheriff\'s spokeswoman Becki Bronson said. How she survived was to stretch out the few light snacks she had with her, drink water from Sand Creek and not lay down on the ground during the nights when it got down to 38 degrees. \"There were several times that I asked myself, \'Was I scared, was I scared?\'\" she said from her hospital bed Sunday. \"I really wasn\'t scared until I stopped shivering, and that\'s when I got scared. Because I thought if somebody doesn\'t find me pretty soon, I\'m going to die of hypothermia.\"