Hillary Clinton, when she was first lady, called Monica Lewinsky a "narcissistic loony tune" and blamed her husband's lapse on stress, a friend's notes say. Dianne Blair, a political science professor who died in 2000, left notes on conversations with Clinton that are now in an archive at the University of Arkansas, CNN reported. The papers were unsealed in 2010, and the Washington Beacon, a conservative publication, reported on them Sunday. In one note, Blair described a Sept. 9, 1998, conversation with Clinton. "It was a lapse, but she says to his credit he tried to break it off, tried to pull away, tried to manage someone who was clearly a 'narcissistic loony toon'; but it was beyond control," Blair wrote. Clinton suggested her husband, President Bill Clinton, was under a lot of pressure because of the death of his mother, his father-in-law and the suicide of Vince Foster, a friend from Arkansas who served as deputy White House counsel. After her husband left the White House, Clinton went on to serve as a Democratic U.S. senator from New York and as President Obama's first secretary of state. She is believed to be considering another run for president in 2016.