An Indiana woman was awarded $50,000 from her former school district after she sued over the school\'s handling of a bullying incident. The plaintiff, whose name was not identified, attended Pendleton Heights High School in 2008. When she came to school one morning, she found fliers had been posted all over the building containing her picture, which had been edited to show her in a sexually suggestive manner and included her actual phone number. The victim said she reported the incident to administrators but was initially sent back to class despite exhibiting signs consistent with a panic attack, The (Anderson, Ind.) Herald-Bulletin reported Wednesday. School district officials eventually suspended the student deemed responsible for the fliers. After a three-day jury trial in Madison County Circuit Court, the district was found guilty of negligence. Steven Smith, the victim\'s lawyer, said it was vindication for a student who was mistreated not just by a mean-spirited classmate but adults who are supposed to protect children in their care. \"What I hope is that it will help not only the family but help the other students at Pendleton Heights,\" he said.