Deputy Chairman Planning Commission, Sartaj Aziz.

Deputy Chairman Planning Commission, Sartaj Aziz on Thursday said that the women are most important segment of society and the development process in the country cannot be achieved without playing their vital role in this modern era.
Addressing the Seminar “Role of Women in Rural Development” organized here by the Planning Commission, he said the Pakistan’s most of population especially women are living in rural areas.
The women residing in cities are playing important role for the development of society, he
lauded adding that the government is in favor of woman’s impressive role in the different sectors
of life.
Since last few years, Sartaj Aziz said, the role of women have been increased in different sectors.
He stressed the need to highlight the importance of woman’s role in society especially those living in villages.
Deputy Chairman also underlined the need to initiate an awareness campaign to increase the role of women in society and urged the educated women to come forward for the cause.
The government was taking necessary steps for the promotion of education of women and to polish their skills, Sartaj remarked.
He appreciated the role of women in the agriculture and live stock sectors and stressed the need for creating more opportunities for their training to enhance their abilities.
He urged the provincial government’s to come forward and play their due role for the development of women, adding the federal government is ready for all out help the provinces in this regard.
The government under Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) was initiating different projects to empower the women in society, he said adding that BISP has played imperative role for women empowerment.
Planning Commission was ready provide all out help for the development and empowerment of women in the society, he added.

Source: APP