A woman who alleges she was sexually assaulted by a Montreal businessman has been granted a stay of a deportation order to Pakistan, authorities said. The 20-year-old woman, who was being held at an immigration detention center, and was set for deportation Sunday, told authorities she feared repercussions in Pakistan because of her allegations. Rosalind Wong, of Movement Against Rape and Incest -- one of three groups advocating for the woman, whose name has not been released -- said if the alleged victim were to be deported she wouldn\'t have been able to testify in court if charges against her alleged attacker arise, The (Montreal) Gazette reported. \"The investigator in the case has said her remaining here is imperative for the case to go through. He is ready to bring it to a prosecutor but it requires her co-operation throughout the case. She is the key witness against this man,\" Wong said. \"(The businessman) has a lot of family in the region of Pakistan where she would be deported. She fears him and has already received threats from his family. She is afraid he can easily find someone (in Pakistan) who would harm her and prevent her from ever coming back to Canada to pursue her charges against him,\" she added. The woman came to Canada with her family in 2000 and married a Canadian citizen. Having exhausted legal appeals to stay in the country, her family applied for sponsorship last year. The woman suffered a concussion in February and was advised by a neurologist not to travel for six months after the injury, the report said. She missed two court dates regarding her deportation case and was arrested by immigration officials and placed in detention after missing a hearing on her April 24 removal date.