Minister of State for Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage Marriyum Aurangzeb.

Minister of State of for Information, Broadcasting, National History and Literary Heritage Ms. Marriyum Aurangzeb said CPEC was the project of shared destiny and it would not only carry forward the time-tested and all weather friendship of decades between Pakistan and China to the next generation but would also establish a solid connect among the people of entire region.
She was talking to H.E. Mr. Yao Jing, Ambassador of China during his maiden visit of Ministry of IBNH&LH here Friday.
She said CPEC would prove to be a game changer and its impact would become apparent on regional connectivity, investment opportunities, industrial and financial cooperation, energy, tourism, educational links and people to people contacts. CPEC would not only establish great link with culture through one road one belt initiative, but would also offer great prospects for the youth of both countries to realize their potentials, she added.
“We in Pakistan have successfully restored law and order situation and now are striving to improve the perception about Pakistan and the level of tolerance in the society,” the MOS said.
She said Pak-China relations were rooted in the will of the people of both the nations and would be further reinforced through enhanced people to people contacts and cultural exchanges.
Alluding to the recent tweet by the US President, Donald Trump, the Chinese Ambassador said, “We are encouraged to see that Pakistan has made great strides in combating terrorism, improving law and order situation and building infrastructure in the country.” He said Pak-China relations needed to be expanded by deepening cultural ties between the two states. This, he said was imperative as culture helps to bring people of both nations further closer to each other.
Ms. Marriyum Aurangzeb said the present democratic government accorded top priority to the promotion of art, culture and National Heritage and was working on the first ever film, production and broadcast policy with a view to revive the film industry in Pakistan.
She recalled that once Pakistan was among the world’s largest producers of films and the government of Pakistan was leaving no stone unturned to revive glorious past of the industry.
She said former Prime Minsiter Muhammad Nawaz Sharif had announced a comprehensive package for the film industry to incentivize the sector which included the establishment of film finance fund, film studio and various tax rebates as movies were one of the greatest medium to showcase core values and culture of any nation.
The minister sought Chinese assistance in connection with the revival of film industry and said that Pakistan would like Peoples Republic of China to exhibit Pakistani films in their cinemas.
H.E. Mr. Yao Jing, Ambassador of China acknowledged the need for formal collaboration in the field of Culture, Film, Production and Broadcast and assured his full cooperation in this connection.
The MOS and Ambassador also agreed to exchange of Journalists Programs so that they could learn from each other’s experiences and best practices. The ambassador while renewing the invitation to MOS hoped that she would visit China soon.
The meeting was attend by Mr. Shafqat Jalil, Addl. Secretary, Information & Broadcasting Division & Â Zahoor Barlas, Director General, External Publicity Wing.

Source: APP