A New York couple have been charged with imprisoning a disabled woman for more than a year and beating her while spending her benefits. Patrick Donovan, 42, and Mae Washington, 63, were being held without bail, The New York Times reported. They were arrested last week at the apartment in Rockaway Beach they shared with Maureen Murray. Neighbor Nicole Nettleford told the Times she called police a month ago when she heard Murray calling for help from a window. Queens District Attorney Richard Brown in a statement Tuesday said Donovan and Washington have been charged with kidnapping, assault and unlawful imprisonment. They face an unrelated burglary charge for alleging stealing from a downstairs neighbor. Police found Murray, 58, locked in a room with no bed Thursday. She was on the floor and had severe physical injuries. A spokesman for Brown\'s office said Murray moved from an assisted living facility on Jan. 1, 2011, after Washington convinced her they could save money by sharing an apartment. She also gave Washington a power of attorney. Nettleford said Murray\'s family told her she had inherited $150,000 shortly before the move and also received $2,000 a month in disability benefits. Murray has been partly paralyzed for more than 30 years because of a stroke, her family said.