British women secretly enjoy earning more than their partners, despite admitting that their other halves have a problem with it. According to a recent survey by discount website myvouchercodes, 40 percent of women in the UK, who are in relationships where both partners work full-time, now earn more than their partner Of the 1,962 adult women surveyed, 23 percent of the higher earners said they \"secretly enjoyed\" the fact they made more than their partner. However, the majority of the women who earned the most admitted that their other half \"did not like it\", with some saying it was often the source of arguments. “Because I earn more, we argue all the time,” said a 28-year-old marketing manager who responded to the survey. “My husband doesn’t think women should earn more than men,” said another respondent. Mark Pearson, chairman of, said he was surprised how female earning power was sometimes having a detrimental effect on relationships. “I think many people tend to stereotype and suggest that men should earn more than women, but that’s clearly a trend that’s changing now, as we see from these results. Men and women are very much on equal footing in the world of business and employment on the whole and I don’t think it’s ever a surprise to see women earning more than men,” he said. “What shocked me here though is to see that some women felt competitive when it came to comparing what they earned to the amount that their partner did. I think that’s wrong; it’s okay to strive for success, but relationships are all about team work. Whatever happened to \'what\'s yours is mine\' anyway?” he added.