A Muslim woman who previously refused to remove her full-face veil (niqab) has been ruled to remove it to give evidence by court judge on Monday. Blackfriars Crown Court in London announced Monday that a 21-year-old Muslim woman would be able sit in the dock while her face covered yet if she was giving evidence she had to remove the niqab throughout her evidence. Muslim woman attended an earlier court hearing for one count of intimidating a witness previously where she pleaded not guilty. Moreover, problem of identifying her was resolved when the woman showed her face to a female police officer who confirmed her identity. Previously, Judge Peter Murphy asked woman to remove her full-face veil while giving evidence yet her barrister Susan Meek expressed that the court\'s demand was breaching human rights. Meanwhile, Home Office Minister Jeremy Browne suggested the issue had to be discussed at the parliament. In addition Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg stressed that wearing full-face veil was not appropriate in terms of security at airports or at the classrooms, yet added that he strongly felt people in Britain should not be ordered in which way to dress.