Police in Texas have located a boy who was allegedly kidnapped by his babysitter as an infant eight years ago, and were working to reunite him with his family, news reports said Thursday. Auboni Champion, whose eight-month old son Miguel was abducted from her home in Houston back in 2004, said she was \"overwhelmed\" at the news that she would soon see her son again. \"Overwhelmed, because it\'s been eight years -- he made eight on the first of March,\" Champion told Houston\'s KTRK television. Police earlier this week arrested Krystle Rochelle Tanner, 26, the woman who had been entrusted to care for the baby and who disappeared with him. Authorities told the television station that Tanner, who was located near Fort Worth, some 200 miles (320 kilometers) from Houston, is being held in jail without bond pending a court hearing. Miguel\'s mother told KTRK that Tanner was a close family friend whom she had named her son\'s godmother. \"I knew this family. I spent time with them. We had Thanksgivings and Christmases,\" Champion said. The case came to light recently because of a \"report of negligent supervision of children and perhaps some physical abuse of this unknown male child,\" an investigator told the Texas TV station. Authorities who said they are making arrangements to reunite the child with his mother said Tanner is being held without bond in San Augustine County. \"We love him very much and we never gave up. That\'s one thing I would never give up,\" Champion said.